iambanana.net can help you with your personal, professional service needs
I got some time on my hands so how can I help you?
iambanana.net can help you with your personal, professional service needs
I got some time on my hands so how can I help you?
I got some time on my hands so how can I help you?
I got some time on my hands so how can I help you?
First of all, iambanana.net is not silly word play with any hidden meanings. When thinking about a name for this venture, I saw a banana on the table, and went with that. At the time, I figured it would spark some curiosity so here we are.
I’m a semi-retired banker who spent the last 20 years living and working in China, India, Poland, and Singapore. Eventually, the job started feeling too claustrophobic and robotic, so I took a break and came back to the U.S. During those two decades, I racked up a bunch of experiences—both personal and professional—and built a unique mix of skills. Now I’d like to put them to use for anyone who could benefit from them.
While working, I developed a knack for helping clients solve all kinds of issues, so I was often the go-to person for tricky situations. Sure, I’ve got the usual corporate skills—coaching, mentoring, team building, consulting, accounting, document creation, writing/proofreading—but let’s face it, TAM for that is limited.
Where I think I can really shine is as a personal assistant. If it’s (mostly) legal, let’s talk. If you need an extra set of hands or wheels, email me. If you need to brainstorm, email me. Or if you have some grey-ara shit going one, lets chat.
I can help you get your shit done.
Our approach is to get stuff done for you. If you are stressed, overworked, and burning the candle at both ends, let iambana.net help you find balance in your life.
The process begins with you sending me a message using the link below detailing what needs to be done. I will respond via email. When I do respond, I will aim to gather more information about the assistance you need. I will take an hour or so to let you know if I will take you up on the offer.
Mind you, I am on the East Coast of the United States, so there could be a delay in my response.
We just started, literally Jan 2025, do not have any yet but I will keep this section and update when there are some success stories.
I have a passion for solving clients' issues, drop me a line, lets see how I can help.